Our Vision
Vision for the Employee Leasing Industry
Choose, utilize, appreciate:
Emplozee leasing is an attractive employment relationship.
Workers choose employee leasing because personnel service providers are attractive employers. Fair employee leasing not only offers job opportunities and the option of a secure job but also provides suitable further training concepts and, where desired, variety.
Employers utilize employee leasing because it provides solutions for labour market challenges and societal/economic megatrends, ensuring stability in economic development. Employee leasing offers its clients the best opportunity to obtain qualified personnel and to design their personnel planning in line with market demands.
The public and policymakers appreciate the industry as an indispensable labour market partner, a sustainable integration facilitator, and experienced experts in personnel solutions. Employee leasing is a market-based alternative to the Federal Employment Agency.
The employee leasing industry aims to provide security and stability for both employees and clients. It develops solutions for the future challenges of the labour market, benefiting clients, employees, and policymakers alike. Employee leasing serves as a market-based alternative to the Federal Employment Agency. Personnel service providers ensure the sustainable integration of even challenging groups of workers. They are indispensable partners in the labour market and contribute to the competitiveness of the German economy.
The iGZ represents the interests of its members to the public, business, and policymakers, advocating for the benefits of good employee leasing. It creates fair conditions for the industry and is a leader in innovation within the sector. The iGZ and its collective agreements concluded with the DGB unions are widely recognized, making an iGZ membership act as a seal of quality. The association offers its member companies outstanding service and real added value.
As the largest employer association in the German employee leasing industry, the iGZ, together with its member companies, stands for quality employee leasing. The work of the association and its staff is characterized by professionalism, competence, ambition, progressiveness, and closeness to the grassroots. The iGZ aspires to be a guarantor of good and innovative employee leasing. This brand personality is dedicated to serving its members.
The ethical guidelines of the iGZ and its member companies are enshrined in the iGZ Code of Ethics, which was adopted at the general meeting in 2012. Fairness, reliability, respect, trust, and professionalism are the values that the iGZ, together with its members, advocates for. At the centre of this is the individual. The iGZ Code of Ethics focuses on sustainable quality assurance towards employees, customers, and competitors, going beyond existing legal requirements. The iGZ and its members acknowledge a special responsibility: as an indispensable instrument for flexibility in the economy, as employers committed to the integration and professional development of their employees, and as conscientious partners in bringing together work and workers.
As part of the iGZ Code of Ethics, an independent Contact and Mediation Office (KuSS) has been established to verify compliance with ethical principles and, if necessary, to take action.
What's Important to Us
At the heart of our approach is the individual. We utilize our expertise to cater optimally and flexibly to the specific needs of our employees and clients. To achieve this, we promote open dialogue with all stakeholders. Ensuring equality and fair treatment for all employees is a top priority for us. Therefore, we advocate for our employees to have the same working conditions as those offered to our clients’ permanent staff.
With our personnel services, we aim to provide security and stability to both employees and clients. We address the individual needs of our workers and develop solutions for our clients’ labour market challenges. We acknowledge a special responsibility: as an indispensable tool for flexibility in the economy, as employers committed to the integration and professional development of our employees, and as conscientious partners in connecting labour with workers.
Since 2019, we have been a member of the Interessenverband Deutscher Zeitarbeitsunternehmen (iGZ), the largest employer association in the German employee leasing industry. This means that we adhere to the iGZ-DGB collective agreement. The iGZ-DGB collective agreement, which we have followed from the outset, establishes a solid foundation for employee leasing. In some sectors, wages increase with industry supplements specified in separate collective agreements.
Additionally, we are committed to the iGZ Code of Ethics. The code represents a commitment to ethical, fair, and respectful employee leasing, placing a strong emphasis on corporate responsibility. The iGZ Code of Ethics focuses on sustainable quality assurance towards employees, customers, and competitors, surpassing existing legal requirements. Membership in the iGZ is often seen as synonymous with a seal of quality by many stakeholders. At the same time, we prioritize transparency. Our member association, iGZ, has established an independent Contact and Mediation Office (KuSS) to which both employees and clients can turn if they have questions regarding the employment relationship.
Our Approach to CSR Regulation
What is CSR ?
Governments worldwide have been pursuing the goal of bringing sustainable development into the focus of politics and businesses for many years. This is intended to counteract economic and social imbalances created by globalization. The call for corporate responsibility is growing louder.
The European Commission defines Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as “the responsibility of companies for their impact on society.” CSR involves finding a balanced relationship between a company’s economic success, potential environmental impacts, and the well-being of people affected by the company’s activities.
(Source: https://www.ig-zeitarbeit.de)
The main responsibility for CSR lies with the management. Together with a cross-disciplinary working group, they develop new goals, measures, and activities. It is important to us that each internal department has a say in this process. This is intended to encourage employees to identify with sustainability issues across the organization. The right to participate in decision-making can be exercised, but it is not mandatory. In CSR working groups, we maintain a relaxed atmosphere where all ideas are “allowed.” Ideas are assessed for their sustainability and feasibility, and we aim to implement at least one new initiative per year from the best ideas.
Sustainability is an important topic for us. We see employee leasing as a market-based alternative to the Federal Employment Agency. As a personnel service provider, we ensure the sustainable integration of even challenging groups of workers. We are an indispensable partner in the labour market and contribute to the competitiveness of the German economy.
As an HR supplier and part of supply chains, we pay particular attention to compliance with legal regulations and sustainable standards.
Together with our industry association iGZ, we plan to systematically address and document our CSR engagement in the future. In this initial report, we make our CSR efforts transparent and work continuously to further develop our activities as a sustainably oriented company and responsible employer.
Fairness, Reliability, Respect, Trust, and Professionalism
– these are the guiding principles underlying the new iGZ Code of Ethics. The approximately 3,700 member companies of the Interessenverband Deutscher Zeitarbeitsunternehmen (iGZ) have committed to upholding these principles. The iGZ members have clearly and explicitly formulated how they intend to conduct themselves as employers, contractors, in competition with other staffing agencies, and in relation to social partners, authorities, and the public.
Contact Point
For this purpose, an instrument has been created to ensure clarity in cases of doubt:
the Contact and Mediation Office (KuSS)
The contact point, reachable at the telephone number (030) 25 76 28 47 or via email at kontakt@kuss-zeitarbeit.de, receives inquiries, complaints, and feedback regarding the iGZ Code of Ethics. If the contact point determines, after examination, that ethical principles of the code have been violated, it forwards the inquiry to the mediation office.
Both the contact and mediation offices are not subject to any directives from the iGZ board or the headquarters.
Mediation Office
The mediation office consists of Holger Dahl, Managing Director of “Holger Dahl Conflict Management”, Prof. Franz Josef Düwell, former Chief Judge at the Federal Labor Court, and Torsten Oelmann, owner of the “Oelmann Consulting” consultancy agency for employee leasing. The tasks of the mediation office include monitoring compliance with the iGZ Code of Ethics, facilitating agreements in case of discrepancies, and notifying the iGZ board in case of serious violations. In case of serious violations, the mediation office may also recommend to the iGZ board the expulsion of a member from the association.
Fairness Guarantee Card
For external employees, a Fairness Guarantee Card has been developed. This card, in credit card format, contains the key statements of the iGZ Code of Ethics and the contact information of the KuSS office. External employees can always have the Fairness Guarantee Card at hand and know who to contact in case of disputes.